
Day 17: Failure, thy name is Matthew (M)

You know how I get all choked up when I have to make a speech in front of a large audience? You know how I also get choked up when I'm talking to really pretty girls? Well, for my job interview this morning, I had to do both at the same time...and the results were quite predictable.
My job interview was at a place in Waikiki called Tiki's Bar and Grill, which had a 3-interview process. The first is with the manager, the second is a group interview, and the third...well, I don't know because I didn't make it to the third.
But anyways, for the second interview, each person had to get in front of the group and, for 2 minutes, make a good argument for why he or she should be hired. The twist was that the rest of the group was made up of about 20 supermodels (literally--one gave her speech about her modeling career in NYC). These girls were so gorgeous that the manager dude just sat in the back the whole time, smiling and nodding to himself-- probably had earplugs in too.
Unfortunately, I didn't have the presence of mind to take a picture of them for the sake of this post, but you could just find the closest swimsuit catalog and probably see one of them right there on the cover. I was able to steal some pictures off of the Tiki webpage though. So, to the right are pictures of the place that almost foolishly gave me a job:
Needless to say, when it was my turn to do my shpeal, I was so overwhelmed, flustered, and overcome with mixed emotions that I could barely think straight.  If it weren't for my name-tag, I probably wouldn't have even remembered how to say my name correctly. My whole speech lasted all of 20 seconds, but felt like an eternity. Afterward, for the team skits portion of the interview, I was so defeated I just sat and watched. And it was a good show... MTV-worthy.
And to close, I'm going to start a new tradition here on the blog: "Crabby Catch Phrase Of The Day!" Today's phrase--"I wouldn't hire you"--was what JR muttered to me under his breath just before I left for my interview. Thanks buddy! (Matt)


Day 16: I'm Swiiiimmin' in the Rain.... (J)

Chill day today.  Went to the gym, wandered around Ala Moana Shopping Center for a little bit, then headed off to get some much needed alone time with the ocean.  To my initial dismay, it started to rain as soon as I got in.  Not wanting to be cheated of my "life contemplation" swim for the day, I proceeded to go for it anyway.  I gotta say-- it was a really cool experience.  The water was still super clear and calm, it was still sunny, and the rain cooled me off as I swam my pseudo-laps.  It was pretty surreal to breath to the side and see paddle boarders, the sunset on the horizon, and the droplets of rain making tiny rainbows all in one quick snapshot. 

Unfortunately, I had neither my trusty Elph, nor my disposable underwater camera at hand.  However, because I would never allow a blog post without some type of image attached, I dutifully recreated today's magical swim on my laptop's standard "Paint" program.         (Please note: I do not have a mouse here.) --(John)


Day 15: Our Island Journey to "Jacked-ness" (J)

(On the top of our current armoire.)

Please allow us our healthy-sized vanity for a moment.  One of our main objectives during these 99 days is to become, for lack of a better word, "jacked."  For those of you unfamiliar with our usage of the term, Urban Dictionary Online, the most hallowed of secondary sources, defines "jacked" as follows:  "Adjective. Someone who is very strong and has huge, very defined muscles; girls love them, too." Now, while Matt is relatively fit and wants to get bigger, and I am relatively big and want to get more fit (we said relatively, smart-asses!!), we would both like to get to the same point: be as huge and as ripped as possible.  Although we would certainly appreciate the health benefits that would surely accompany such an endeavor, we're basically just doing it to look better.
To that end, we spent the majority of the day working out in some fashion.  We did the following in nearly uninterrupted succession:  1. We took the long way to the bus stop to get a good warm-up.  2.  Did a ton of chest and some shoulder work at the gym for a couple of hours.  3. Played a one-on-one game of basketball for 30 minutes for cardio.  4.  Took a 15 minute walk to the nearby beach and did laps in the crystal clear ocean.  5. Finally, we stopped by the nearby Jiu-Jitsu / Kickboxing place to set up our intro class for this weekend.  If my already uncontrollably shaking body parts give any indication, we probably won't be able to workout again for a few days.  But, it was a strong start.
In an effort to further document our "journey to jacked-ness,"  we have provided the following "before" pictures as a gift to our blog followers.  Actually, let's be real-- it is our gift to the entire world.  All of you unrelated females and switch-hitting males, please enjoy.  For size comparison's sake, we have also posted the picture of a kitten.  Yes, little kitten, I would be frightened, as well.  (Note: these pictures are to perfect scale.)   (John)

This whole post is for you, Scott.  It was for you. 


Day 14: Gecko Company and Pho with the Fam (J) ........................................

So, my day at the court typically consists of doing one of two things: (1) research on my computer or (2) research down in the library.  Exciting, right?  Well, today I got a little surprise.  No, it wasn't Matt actually finishing the blog post he promised to do-- we're not that lucky.  It was this little guy on the right hanging out  under my desk!  At first, I thought it was a leaf, so I vainly tried kicking it farther under the desk because, well, I was too lazy to pick it up.  Upon further examination, however, I realized that the leaf had a tail and a head.  Sadly, it was dead, not unlike my spirit when I'm at work. But, I digress. Still, only on an island!

After the internship and a frustrating workout at the most crowded gym in the history of mankind, we met up with a few housemates for some pho at a favorite local spot. Here is the obligatory cousin shot to your right:

The pho was great, except for Matt's, who had foolishly put a couple dozen or so squirts of the chili sauce into his.  (He says his tummy-wummy hurts now.)  And, as always, the company was even better. Introducing, from left to right: Elsa, Arlene, and Tami!      (John)


Day 13: Waikiki Job Safari and Tour (M & J)

By popular demand and some coercion from JR, I'm back and ready to write about day 13! It all started out with a bad omen when I went for a run to the fabled waterfalls near our house, which JR had already tried and failed to find. I was similarly unsuccessful, and came back disheartened with a slight ache in my knee. One of our housemates, Elsa, was there when I got back to inform me that I went a mile too far, when in reality all I had to do was turn left...I guess not everybody is meant to find the waterfalls.

Elsa was headed into town though, and offered me a quick tour around on her way there. We are quite fortunate in this respect, to not only have a room in a nice house here in Manoa, but also to have some chill housemates to share it with. Even when there is girlish giggling (JR of course) coming from our room until late in the night and some housemates need to wake up at 5am, they take it like a champ and even offer us a ride into town the next morning.

Here are some spots we visited today:

 Above: (top left) Ala Moana beach, (top right) The view from Diamond Head (bottom left) Kaimuki (bottom right) Ala Moana skyline

Once I made it to Waikiki, the most touristy beach in Hawaii, I wandered into every possible business venue to ask if they were hiring. It turns out the first restaurant offered me an interview, although they're not hiring, and that was the extent of my success. Afterward I rewarded myself by laying out on beach for a bit before catching the bus home. But, I fell asleep and a few hours later awoke because of an intense burning sensation on my face. Severe peeling, even on the underside of my nose, has reminded me of the mistake ever since.
And finally, a response to the last post: I think Kuya J's little diatribe on my speed and usefulness is rooted in my laid back mentality in searching for jobs and keeping up with the blog. I believe, however, that he has been too jaded by law school and by 3 years in NYC to realize that he has just come to expect fast and consistent service. But that's the beauty of Hawaii--everyone is so friendly and easygoing here, people constantly take time out of their quotidian lives to give a tour to a friend or offer to help a stranger, even if it means being late for something important. Well if a place actually does have the ability to transform a person, perhaps Hawaii will be good for law grads fresh out of NYC to mellow out a little so they can learn that sometimes a hike to see waterfalls or relaxing on the beach is more important than finding a job immediately or writing on the internet. (Matt)
John's admittedly overly long response:  I believe the implication in Matt's above response is that, among other things, (1) I do not know how to relax, (2) I am not friendly, (3) I am not appreciative of Hawaii's beauty and opportunities and (4) I ask too much of him.  In the following section, I will respond to each perceived accusation in turn.

(1) I do not know how to relax-  I do hope Mattie realizes how difficult it was for someone in my position to go against every rational convention by moving out of NYC and Cali to Hawaii for three to four months in order to get away from the hustle and bustle for a little while, and just relax.  While rainbows are nice, my very heavy school debt is not. In addition, I believe that he confuses "laidback"  with doing absolutely nothing.

 (2) I am not friendly- I believe this to be an inane and completely baseless observation and do not believe that any argument is necessary to defend my opposition to it.

(3) I am not appreciative of Hawaii's beauty and opportunities- To the contrary, I have spent almost everyday here either at the beach or on a hike.  Plus, a part of appreciating Hawaii is about going out there and meeting people and really learning what the culture and mindset of its people are about.  I hope and attempt to accomplish that somewhat during my internship, and through my interactions with other locals.

(4) I ask too much of him- Who believes that expecting at least one post from a supposed co-author, on a daily blog, after a five day wait, is super-irrational?  One post doesn't seem like too much to ask, now does it?  As a final point, "slower" doesn't always necessarily mean "better," having a goal doesn't mean you're not easygoing, and "doing something for a friend" includes someone actually doing something for the cousin who has already done everything for both of them in Hawaii. Finally, I still think Matt needs to take some things more seriously at times, and grow up a little bit.

Updated Epilogue: Holy crap.  Due to the outcry regarding my overly "meanie" words towards poor, itty-bitty baby Mattie, the latest being from my concerned Mother, who actually called me today in due part because of this post (hello, Mom), the above section has been edited down to the most cogent of points, minus the slightly condescending and acerbic tone.  I admit, I may have gotten carried away with my response above.  My apologies.  However, some lessons must still be learned.  As the saying goes: "You mess with the bull, you get the horns."  You get the horns, my friends.

(Note: The full bazooka-blast version is still available upon request.) 


Day 12: First Day at Externship + Matt is Useless (It's true!) (J)

(Supreme Court of Hawaii)
 I may have used up all of the brain-power allotted to my entire life-time over the summer during bar prep.  After failing to read anything more substantial than a television channel guide over the last two months, I dove right into researching cases and statutes that the highest court of an actual state will use in the near future to essentially create new law.  And, my head really hurts now.  Still, it was pretty cool to sit shotgun with my one of the five most powerful people in Hawaii's judiciary on the way to lunch and talk about good local eats and cheap places to buy aloha shirts.  Who does that?  Anyway, today was a good day, I had a chance to explore downtown a bit, and I wore pants for the first time since graduation.  Good times.

Regarding Matt's uselessness:  Matt isn't truly useless. He is, however, infuriatingly slow. Not in the   intelligence way, mind you, because he's actually pretty smart, nor in the physical way, because he's always pretty fit.  He .... is... just... sooo... slow... sometimes... He can, perhaps, respond to me in the following post if he ever gets around to actually writing it.  (John)


Day 11: Island Hell (M)

When some people think of hell, they imagine a fiery furnace with molten magma and wailing souls. Others picture a deep dark pit with chains and whips and grinding teeth. But today, JR and I have truly discovered what hell is: two computers and only ONE INTERNET CABLE! Ahhhhhhh! It's so inconvenient!  (Matt)
** My issue with the internet situation isn't necessarily about having one cord.  My issue is with the person I have to share it with.  Joking, course! ...just...joking......  Also, obviously, nothing too much happened today.  (John)